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Christmas Promotion Save $35!

Christmas Promotion Save $35!

Are you tired of gifting toys that are only played with for a few days or hours? Do you want to give something with lasting value? This season give the gift of BALLET.

We are so excited to offer you a Holiday Savings of $35! We invite you to register for a FREE Trial ballet class on December 11th or 13th. You will tour our spacious studios, be introduced to our amazing staff and your child will participate in a 30 minute ballet class. We hope that you will see how amazing we are and get an idea if now is the perfect time for your little one to start ballet lessons. If you enroll in January ballet lessons by December 24th we will waive your registration fee. This is a total savings of $35 when combined with the free trial class. Please register today to reserve your spot. Click the registration link below.

FREE TRIAL (Saturday Dec 11th 11:00 am)

FREE TRIAL (Monday Dec 13th 5:30 pm)

If you need something to wrap up and place under the Christmas tree we have you covered. We will have ballet uniforms, leotards, tights and ballet slippers for purchase.

Still want more information about ballet classes and tuition prices click here.

Photo Shoot with the Amazing Robb Webb

Photo Shoot with the Amazing Robb Webb

Sometimes you find yourself in the right place and time that leads to something special. This past summer, while cleaning the costume room at BAA, I answered the phone. A gentleman explained that he would be traveling through Spokane for a short period of time and wanted to do a photo shoot with dancers. I asked him where he was from and he replied North Carolina. Hmmm…first red flag, as Washington state is a very long distance from North Carolina. Then I asked him why he was coming to Spokane. He told me that he would be teaching a cheer stunt camp in. Really? I am a very straight forward person and told him “this sounds creepy, convince me otherwise.” Haha. He handled me well and sent me to his instagram and web pages to confirm he was actually a photographer. I decided to take a chance and we set up a photo shoot in Riverfront Park.

On the day of the shoot Spokane had been hit heavily with our summer smoke but the sun was shining and it was a perfect late afternoon for pictures. One of the first things that happened was Robb set down his photography reflector and when we went back to look for it, it was gone. So now our photographer was missing a valuable tool. He was great and told us he had to work harder with the light and use all his photography skills. A true professional, pivoting in the moment.

We took photos near the iconic Red Wagon, Looff Carrousel, all the bridges and the fountain. These two dancers did such an amazing job showing their talent and really appearing relaxed and natural in front of the camera.

With Robb’s cheer background he wanted to have Molly, our dancer try a stunt in the air. This is when we learned she has a strong fear of heights. She was not about to let a stranger lift her over his head. At the end of the shoot Eli was willing to do the stunt with Robb and I shot the picture.

Robb and Eli trying a Stunt.

With new photographers you never know what kind of photos you will receive. And dance photography is especially difficult. The lighting, composition, correct ballet technique and dancers expression all need to be accounted for. You might have a beautiful picture but a foot that is not turned out or a strained smile can ruin the photo. Super challenging, trust me. I have shot many photos with my iPhone and I now know why photographers are worth their weight in gold.

A great big thank you to Robb Webb for taking these photos of our dancers. That answered phone call turned into something incredibly special. We hope you enjoy these images as much as we do. We look forward to more photo shoots with Robb when he returns to Spokane.

You may see more of Robb Webb’s work on his website or his instagram account @webb_robb.

Interested in ballet?

Interested in ballet?

Has your child been begging to begin ballet classes? Unsure where to go, or where to start? Not a ballet dancer yourself? Not even sure what happens in a ballet class beyond cute children in tiny leotards twirling around?

As a ballet mom I was in the exact same place almost 14 years ago.

Are we the right studio for you?

Ballet Arts Academy is a Spokane, WA dance school that focuses on classical ballet training. This is in contrast to dance studios that simply offer ballet.  What does that mean for you? If your child is looking to dabble in different styles of dance: tap, jazz, hip hop and ballet, then we are not the studio for you. However, if you are interested in a ballet school that teaches a proven ballet curriculum and is passionate about technical training, then you have come to the right place.

What will my child learn in class?

Our youngest ballet students will learn gross motor skills such as, marching, jumping, hopping, skipping, galloping, and tip toe walking. They will also learn how to keep time with music and memorize simple choreography.  In addition, preschool age students will learn how to listen and follow directions. This important skill will benefit them as they enter their formal academic environments. Most importantly, your children will fall in love with their ballet instructors and friends and will ask you daily when the next ballet class is.

What happens at the end of ballet class?

At the end of ballet class tiny dancers excitedly exit ballet class with huge smiles on their faces. They run to mom and dad for a hug and show them the sticker they received from class. I watch as dancers stand on their toes and twirl around. And time and time again, parents tell me their children wake up in the morning asking “Is today ballet day?” These scenarios truly make my job fulfilling. 

How much does ballet cost?

Creative Movement (ages 3.5-4yrs) 30 min weekly classes $55 per month

Pre-Ballet 1 (ages 5-6yrs) 45 min weekly classes $65 per month

Pre-Ballet 2 (ages 6-7) 45 min weekly classes $65 per month

Ballet 1 (minimum age 7yrs) 1 hr weekly classes $85 per month

There is an annual registration fee of $30 due at time of enrollment

Costume fee (optional) approximately $70 (due in January)

Recital Fee (optional) approximately $50-$90 (due in January)

What are my next steps?

If you are ready to take the next step and get your little one started in ballet please do one of two things.

  1. Register for our Holiday Special Free Trial Class Sat Dec 11 11:00am or Mon Dec 13 5:30pm
  2. Register for a $5 Trial Ballet Class (you will be contacted by staff within 48 hrs to schedule a time)…or
  3. Look at our schedule HERE and register straight into the class of your choosing and click Trial. You will only be charged $5 and will be sent your informational email without the need to be contacted by staff.

We are so excited that you are here and we hope that you are able to Imagine your child’s face on their first day of ballet.

Further Questions email us [email protected]

Becoming Family

Becoming Family

Every summer Ballet Arts Academy offers August Open Ballet Classes. This is for our current dancers to keep up their training but allows for vacation time. It is also a great way for Spokane dancers to try out the studio to see what a ballet class at our studio is like. My own daughter was researching studios several years back and I remember her nervously attending an August Open Class. Many things in class were new to her but I remember her leaving class with flushed cheeks and a huge smile on her face. She had worked so hard and she looked so happy. She mentioned a few months later, “I had no idea I love Classical Ballet.”

I asked two of our current students about their first experiences with BAA and this is what they wrote.

About a year ago I tried Ballet Arts Academy’s summer open ballet classes for the first time. I was looking to improve my training and become a more serious dancer. When I walked into the studio I was struck by the big chandeliers, framed paintings, and walls of schedules. In class, I watched the advanced dancers who knew exactly what they were doing and where they were going. The corrections Miss Mimi gave were direct and clear. After trying two weeks of classes I was sold. I wanted to be a Ballet Arts Academy student. I wanted to be a part of the community. A year later, I am so grateful for the opportunity to dance alongside all the lovely and talented students who are now some of my closest friends.

~ Grace Schneider ~


I first came to Ballet Arts Academy last year after wanting to take my ballet training to the next level. My first class with the studio was an open ballet class in August, and before hand I was very nervous about being in a different learning environment and meeting new people. However, after the first day of classes, my worries were gone and I knew BAA was where I wanted to stay. Not only were the classes fun and challenging, but the students and staff were very welcoming. In my first three open classes at BAA I made strong friendships, received professional training from very talented and experienced teachers, and improved more than ever before. We also worked on performance in the open classes, and learned a variation from the ballet “Paquita”, which is included in the repertoire of many professional ballet companies. Since then, I have attended BAA year round and received amazing training from the proven CPYB curriculum, a system many professional dancers have trained through. I have also reached many of my goals, including being accepted to the Pacific Northwest Ballet’s Summer Course. I have a new found confidence in myself and my dancing thanks to BAA, and I know that with the training they are giving me and other dancers I am on track to achieve my dreams.

~ Emme Schumacher ~

We have two weeks of Open Ballet Classes remaining in August. If you or your intermediate/advanced dancer is interested in seeing first hand the curriculum and training offered at BAA we invite you to attend.

Register Here

2021-2022 School Schedule

2021-2022 School Schedule

2021-2022 School Schedule

Please refer to this school schedule when looking at class times that meet more than 1 time per week. Currently our studio software is unable to post different start times on different days. We hope this color coded schedule will be easy for you to see what classes are taking place throughout the week.

Brand New?

Are you new to Ballet Arts Academy? We invite you to trial a ballet class for $5. Please click on the trial link at the bottom of this page to claim a $5 trial class and you will be contacted within 48 hrs. If you know the class that you would like to trial, you may skip a step and register straight into the class. When doing so select TRIAL and make a note of which calendar date you would like to trial. You will only be charged $5. If you have questions about class placement you may email us at [email protected]. You may also read more information about ballet classes and fees here.

Class Name Change

For our existing families we have changed the name of our Beginning Ballet Class. It is now called Pre-Ballet 2. We are trying to make names understandable, though I know it is still a learning curve.

Older Child…not sure where to start?

If you have a beginning ballet student please start at Ballet 1 if they are at least 7 years old. This is the class that lays the ground work for all future classes. Even if you have a 13 year old Ballet 1 is often the place to start, though they may choose to take additional classes during the week for faster progress. A private lesson may be just the thing to accelerate learning. However, each child is different and there is no cookie cutter approach. If you do have an older dancer who is interested in ballet please reach out to us by phone or email and we can talk about options to help them get started.


$5 Trial Class REGISTER HERE